Metta Spencer

Metta Spencer


Dr Metta Spencer in Peterborough, spring 2015

My current projects and campaigns

Project Save the World

The human population faces significant risks from at least six current sources: wars and weapons (especially nuclear); global warming; famine; pandemics, massive radiation exposure, and cyberattacks. They are so inter-dependent that none of them can be solved without addressing one or more of the others, yet there are known ways of reducing all these risks. Go to for full information, and to join the campaign.

Video memoir

Please see my video archive for short (5-35 minute) reflections on personal and global history, from 1931 to the present.

Some background reading

(see the left-hand page menu as well)

Contact Information

Professor Metta Spencer
155 Marlee Ave #201
Toronto ON M6B 4B5
Canada or use the mailback form on this website.